November 9, 2019
Rolling Pumpkins!
Flying Pumpkins!
Frozen Pumpkins!
Smashing Pumpkins!
The ISC would like to thank everyone who came out to participate in the 2019 Great Suicide Pumpkin Roll this afternoon at Suicide Hill. Everyone had a good time rolling a lot of (frozen) pumpkins down Suicide Hill landing, participating in pumpkin races, hoping that their pumpkin would hit one of the targets set up on the outrun, and seeing if their pumpkin had the (ice-cold) guts needed to roll the farthest.
We owe a big thank you to Andrew McNeally for organizing the 2019 Great Suicide Pumpkin Roll. This well-organized event was a (pumpkin) smashing success! Lucky participants (and it was all luck - one has zero control over a pumpkin rolling down a 33o slope) who sent speed- and distance-winning pumpkins on their way down the hill, won really cool (wooden) laser engraved medals, made and donated by Andrew's sister, stating "I got rolled at Suicide Hill!"
In addition, the ISC needs to thank Kim Larson and Peter Copenhaver for collecting a truckload of pumpkins from Slagle's Family Farm; Kim and Peter were the ISC's "key" pumpkin retrievers! Also, a special thanks to Charles DeVoot and DeVoot Farms in Marquette for supplying an additional pickup truckload of pumpkins, for the second year in a row.
After spending a cool hour launching pumpkins from the Suicide Hill takeoff, we also need to thank Melissa Copenhaver for magically having hot cocoa ready and waiting for everyone afterward in the clubhouse.
For those who participated, you now have about a year in which to tell your friends how cool it will be to roll pumpkins down the landing of Suicide Hill in the Fall of 2020!
Thanks, and happy (ski) trails!