November 5, 2020
Fourth-Ever Run the 90
Held at Suicide Hill
November 5, 2020
Conditions: 60F, sunny, clear skies. There was a bit of snow left here and there on the landing, but otherwise not too wet.
Hill Record: 2017 Ericka Asmus SSC 1:49
Name Team Bib Time
1. Monet Argeropolous SSC 228 1:51
2. Kalyn Carr SSC 218 2:19
3. Maija Rourke ISC 232 2:20
4. Kaija Copenhaver ISC 223 2:22
5. Lucy Ampe ISC 253 2:30
6. Addison Goodney SSC 243 2:34
7. Isabelle Prusi ISC 225 2:38
7 Erin Matula * NMU 237 2:38
9. Althea Bruggink SSC 244 2:44
10. Layne Johnston SSC 229 2:56
11. Kylie Lockwood * NMU 238 2:57
12. Rosemary Elenbaas SSC 234 3:07
13. Eleanor Stevenson SSC 226 3:53
14. Gwen Paavola ISC 248 4:07
*Collegiate division racers
Hill Record: 2017 Julian Malherbe SSC 1:12
Name Team Bib Time
1. Evan Sysko SSC 239 1:20
2. Sam Markey SSC 242 1:34
3. James Kreag SSC 241 1:35
4. Rubin Hatfield SSC 246 1:42
4 Mik Kilpela * SSC 236 1:42
6 Peter Argeropolous SSC 230 1:48
7 Jack Grant SSC 217 2:00
7 Chase Stahl SSC 227 2:00
7 Dave Grant * SSC 249 2:00
10 Emerson McNeally ISC 231 2:12
10 Alec LaPlante ISC 251 2:12
12 Travis Link SSC 34 2:13
13 Jack Sysko SSC 240 2:17
13 Joseph Czerkes SSC 245 2:17
15 Kevin Carr * SSC 220 2:18
16 Max Larson ISC 221 2:20
17 Connor Carr SSC 219 2:36
18 Riley Lovern ISC 252 2:38
19 Zeke Elenbaas SSC 247 2:46
20 Ian Kreag SSC 233 2:49
21 Isaac Larson ISC 224 2:50
22 Aaron Rourke ISC 250 3:13
23 Isaac Elenbaas SSC 235 4:01
*Senior division racers
← ISC Nordic Ski Team-Training Schedule – Week of Oct 19, 2020