June 21, 2020
Ishpeming Ski Club Nordic Ski Team
2020 Summer Ski Training Schedule
Week of June 22
Monday – June 22
No official practice. Instead, go for a 20-30 minute easy run, bike, canoe.
Tuesday – June 23
Ski jumping – 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Be ready at 6:00 pm to do team stretches and immos with Timothy first. That means get to the Ski Bowl a few minutes before 6:00pm to have your temperature taken.
We will discuss future evening ski jumping practice start times with parents.
Wednesday – June 24
Cross country skiing – rollerskiing. 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Meet at the old airport – near the intersection of Cedar Ln., River Run Rd., and Airport Dr. Agility & games.
Thursday – June 25
Ski jumping – TBD pm. Be ready at TBD pm to do team stretches and immos with Timothy first. That means get to the Ski Bowl a few minutes before 6:00pm to have your temperature taken.
Friday – June 26
Cross country skiing – Pizza ski. 6:00 – 7:00 pm. We’ll try this again. Meet at the Negaunee trailhead of the Iron Ore Heritage Trail for a rollerski. The plan is to order pizza for pickup a bit before 7:00 pm – outdoor picnic. Everyone chips in for pizza.
Saturday – June 27
Ski jumping – 10:00 – 11:30 am. Be ready at 10:00am to do team stretches and immos with Timothy first. That means get to the Ski Bowl a few minutes before 10:00 am to have your temperature taken.
Ski jumping – Coach Gary Rasmussen 1(906) 250-8651 or grazz525@gmail.com
Cross country ski – Coach Dick Ziegler 1(651) 788-5794 or geo_logical2@hotmail.com